Video: Baltimore Stunting

Today is stunting day here at EMD.  Or at least post a few videos of stunting day?

What? A slow Friday morning means I have to entertain myself somehow.  Why not post a few stunting short films, especially since it provides a great excuse to peruse YouTube.  Yep, world changing technology and I use it to watch fun tricks with motorcycles.

And I am digressing.  Shocker.

Following is a more local video shot of, and thanks to GoPro, by, Dirty George Polimenakos, of Dirty George Stunts and Cycles of Silver Spring in Maryland - can't say I've ever seen Baltimore from these angles:

(Full disclosure: I take my 1995 CBR900RR to Silver Springs; outstanding work at an old school indie motorcycle shop.  And I mean shop, not store or dealership.  The place is great if you  prefer a laid back, decidedly neither sterile nor uptight, non-commercial, sure you can help with your bike repairs, atmosphere.)
