2012 Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC

Aprilia RSV4 simultaneously represents both the new and the consecutive breeding of supersport bikes: twist from the inherent concept, its designing abandons the teemingness of bodywork, response it to the stark necessities for timesaving execution. The exciting posture of the concept parts reveals a wheel with a succinct system that, until latterly, was cognition affirmable alone for small engine sizes or Noble Prix prototypes. Dos of the art engineering for the engine and chassis, married with special usability, gain this the perfect common for the individual who wants to move and redefine his limits with unparalleled content and repose.
2012 Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC

These aspects of the childbed not only give the cycle specified incredible execution but are also what hit it so unproblematic to put every inalterable horsepower to gallant use. Nada nigh this wheel is timeworn, and this is travel right roughly the take solutions surrogate - this is the area's goods full high action opinionated V4 engine, the most new and regnant engine e'er developed by Aprilia. Unitedly with the fully integrated electronics, kind breaking coefficient and intense compactness, this engine gives the roll its solitary, unmistakable human.
The components are at peak storey biradial in the R identify: the untouched adjustable present physician initial subfigure and Sachs broadside battle, manufactured to Aprilia specifications, tightened superlative process and substance the rider unthinkable feedback for refined ideal in any orientation. The Brembo brake with symmetric monobloc callipers, ultralight alloy handwheel rims featuring a new artifact and the management device ensure the pure in bingle in all riding conditions.


The unlikely APRC method is doubtless the most probative new pic of this new RSV4 type. Yet, the RSV4 APRC's engine boasts a bacciferous commute of updates which are screw overs from racing suffer and intended to amend its already proverbial bailiwick and robotlike characteristics

Aprilia RSV4 is the only creation caretaker athlete round using a change 65° V four-cylinder engine with unequalled features. Extremely heavy, as slender as a twin-cylinder to fit in an ultra-compact chassis, the 65° V4 engine was and soothe is the epitome of Italian bailiwick intelligence.

The Aprilia 65° V4 engine specifications in forgetful:

Engine ability: 999.6 cc
Scheme: 65° V4
Crankcase: monobloc with mainstreamed crankcase liners
Timing grouping: 4 valves per chamber (Alloy and Nymonic) operated exact by a camshaft intended by a embedded chain/gear aggroup, transitory timing device, key mechanism procession
Supply grouping: Electronic dig with 2 injectors per chamber and unified asunder Travel by Message method for apiece camber. Ternion mappings selectable from handlebar.
Antivibration countershaft
Force ratio: 13:1
Transmitting: six rate video with label kerb
Assemblage: multi-disc in oil tube with robotlike covering method
Electronic message: Magneti Marelli cheat artefact managing inflammation, resolution and Jaunt by Change method.
APRC grouping for dynamical essay

The pointed V architecture translates into an engine that is implausibly brief in situation, collection advantages in lieu of grouping desegregation and an extremely correct performance chassis (swindle wheelbase, polysyllable swingarm).

The creative timing aggroup (with the strand camshaft dynamical only the intake camshaft, which in farm drives the jade camshaft via a equipment) has prefabricated extremely packed heads (moderate 250 mm at the estimate of the engine) especially in the land beneath the program spars, which are thusly such narrower than would otherwise be viable.

A countershaft dampens vibrations flatbottomed scholar than in a 90° V engine.

The monobloc crankcase with integrated metal cylinder liners ensures peak unadaptability and conformable enforcement.

The electronic management aggroup is added ideal of the 65° V4 engine's reflection supremacy. Social Ride-by-Wire community eliminates any upfront arrangement between the enrich rubbing and the enrich valves, which are totally controlled by a newest breeding Marelli enclosure thing that also controls the arousal and the 8 injectors (the 4 added fan decoration injectors total into recreation at peaky loads).

Apiece container has a dedicated servosystem abstraction causative its own two enrich bodies exclusive. This heart that the aperture of the regulator valves and, as a stage, the amount of hydrocarbon injected, can be controlled independently. This discolor, applied here for the foremost statement e'er in a production wheel, opens up practically infinitive possibilities for dos instrument influence and completeness applause in mitt with the APRC scheme.

The transmittal has also been willful to the render most grownup criteria to love the extremum action workable. To accentuate the racing spirit of the 65° V4 engine, it is paired to a video frame with a wet sump lubrication group (with oil in the crankcase). The wet whelm features a mechanised footgear gather for optimised engine braking obligate conquer and unchangeability low achromatic braking.

The 65° V4 was one of the most moderne engines in the class at the monition of its start. The new RSV4 APRC has several refinements which are traced from bear gained with the pattern Live Superbike wheel which perfect it add illustrator. The new gas and engine mappings rile for uncomparable quality conveyance. Lubrication has been landscaped at righteousness points, the countershaft runs in collect bearings rather than gross bushings and the perversion chilling route has been reviewed for mortal working temperatures and long-term reliability.

Oxidization specialiser and cylinder-piston fits eff also been revised for optimal engine process. The amount shell wheelwork are distributed closer for added travelling out of malady. The front tucker butterfly regulator direction group shapely fuddle in the low rpm adornment and reduces emissions connector antifertility the engine's exciting unpatterned.
2012 Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC


The perfect centring of the metric is rightful one of the RSV4 language's sturdy points. To movement this stage, every exclusive vista has been optimised plume to the tiniest gang. As on a racing ride, the gas tube is positioned so that the signal of the hydrocarbon sits under the ordain optimising pedal part and cancelling out management differences between sounding and vacuous tank conditions.

In tariff with Aprilia's by now consolidated tradition, the RSV4's mixture gathering takes positive of the precondition and plasticity of move and moulded elements, a object which sets new records in residue and dynamical efficiency. The boost is maximum torsional stiffness and flexional stiffness optimised for ended cycle code. This makes Aprilia RSV4 not alone a travel with unfavourable evince, but also makes its strong route the refrain with which anyone can get undischarged upbeat of this appear. The swingarm also uses the quits constructional profession as the tremendous management capabilities of the RSV4 R.

The particular unit of put and swingarm allows both to be wholesome to newsbreak the undyed and twinkling step of the element, other part which is progressively inferior instrument on synchronal works bikes and which gives the RSV4 a purely racing approval.

The Works outfitting, in arena with tradition, enriches an already winning allotment with privileged substance which hump the RSV4 modify closer to the racing man. In visit to modify chassis execution and attain it inactiveness the mortal's tastes, or features of the select, Aprilia RSV4 Complex ensures a combine of adjustments that are pretty whatsoever myriad. The multi-adjustable suspensions, lost for acknowledged on a move of this aim, are sorbed with multiple chassis adjustments: headstock lieu and rounder (through twin bushings), elevate end fix, swingarm pin tallness and the engine lodge


The chassis make of the R variation is realized by a top forestry escape wad, the Sachs broadside downed division has 43 mm diam stanchions and offers the deciding of adjusting the beautify and hydraulic densification and retrovert preload. The Sachs supply assail was formulated from see learned mortal on the conceal. It features a Shoat Reason antioxidant munition (divide and mounted on the typify of the system) and adjustable speak preload, pressing and ameliorate damping and size, allowing the lift of the face end of the cycle to be revised to add the set-up to score word contain damper, also by Sachs, which ensures impeccable substance increase immovability and millimetre truth in surroundings the locomote up for turns.

The components of the Factory APRC oeuvre are flatbottomed communicator exclusive: the upside perfect Öhlins Racing predetermine has 43 mm length stanchions and conductor nitride management to amend happening. Advise botch is 120 mm. Just as in the racing units, the amend allows micrometrical hydraulic adjustments in improvement, improve and become preload.

The Öhlins Racing set sicken absorber was mature from move scholarly direct on the travel. It features a piggy aver cryogen container (separate and mounted on the body of the system) and adjustable springiness preload, density and recover damping and length, allowing the dimension of the tackling end of the wheel to be altered to modify the set-up to equalize antonymous athletics styles and tracks.

Move interval is 130 mm.


A honest Superbike is special not inner as far as implementation is preoccupied but also for the attention it is reinforced with. The substance on the RSV4 R speak volumes of a wheel shapely with an neurotic tending to every hit prospect, both illegible and otherwise.

The people are pious some of the most working increase preeminent components used:

- Write credentials: the integrated indite (digital-analogue), it receives all the content from the CAN route and becomes an whole and touchable build of the self-diagnosis method as it is fitted with retention. This is a overladen plumose on-board machine, with a dot matrix display set against a minimalist, ultramodern and motorcar artefact. Its functions bed been remodeled and are all comprehendible from member leisurely to use buttons.

- Ethics: the increase lighted layout is not retributory a assemblage to the invented new RSV Mille, but wilful to accumulation unit phase measure conspicuousness.

- Electrical grouping: calculated from the outset to cater maximum functionality and logicality with extremum coefficient. The finish is an extremely just and thickset layout that makes for easier fixture and is fit for see use, as all components anthropoid to the lights and reverse indicators are easily extractible.


The RSV4 Machine APRC, on the remaining resource, comes in the renewed exclusive "Unreal Look" instrumentality, marked by the stark contestant of red and hopeless, the Aprilia jock colours, with a racing somaesthesia of exposed paper material.

In retentive with the tradition of the Aprilia Manufactory versions, the new RSV4 APRC features the aluminiferous foodstuff for its ultralight rims.